uncle ted fought in the war

14 August 1945

14 August 1945 (pg 700)




Seven hundred fifty-two B-29's fly seven missions against Japan without loss. (These are the last B-29 missions against Japan in WWII. Before the last B-29's return, President Harry S. Truman announces the unconditional surrender of Japan.)


(Mission 325) One hundred fifty-seven B-29's bomb the naval arsenal at Hikari; 4 B-29's hit alternate targets.


(Mission 326) One hundred forty-five B-29's bomb the Osaka Army Arsenal and 2 hit alternate targets.


(Mission 327) One hundred eight B-29's bomb the railroad yards at Marifu; 2 B-29's hit alternate targets.


(Mission 328) In the longest nonstop upstaged B-29 mission from the Marianas (3,650 miles), 132 B-29's bomb the Nippon Oil Company at Tsuchizakiminato.

 (Mission 329) Eighty-one B-29's drop incendiaries on the Kumagaya urban area destroying .27 square miles or 45% of the city.


(Mission 330) Eighty-six B-29's drop incendiaries on the Isezaki urban area destroying .17 square miles or 17% of the city.


(Mission 331) Thirty-nine B-29's mine the waters off Nanao, Shomonoseki, Miyazu and Hamada.

Uncle Ted was part of Mission 325

See Below

Mission # 325


Date: 14 August 1945


Target: Hikari Naval Arsenal ( 90.32 - 671 )


Participating Unit: 58th BW


Number A/C Airborne: 167


% A/C Bombing Primary: 94.01% (157 Primary and 4 Opportunity)


Type of Bombs and Fuses: M64, 500# G.P. bombs fused with 1/100 sec. delay nose and non-delay tail.


Tons of Bombs Dropped: 885 tons on Primary and 28.5 tons on Opportunity.


Time Over Primary: 141417K - 141518K


Altitude of Attack: 15,800 - 17,700


Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 4/10


Total A/C Lost: 0



Resume of Mission: Strike photos showed severe destruction of the target. Of the 3,540 bombs dropped on the target, 2,273 hit within 1,000 feet of the aiming point. Six A/C were non-effective. All bombing was visual. Flak was heavy, meager to intense and inaccurate and damaged 7 B-29s. No E/A sighted. Twenty B-29s landed at Iwo Jima. Average bomb load: 12, 513 lbs. Average fuel reserve: 736 gallons.

A/C :


E/A :

Enemy Aircraft

58th BW :

58th Bombardment Wing

G.P. bombs :

General Purpose Bombs

141417K :
