Elizabeth Golden     ( July 27, 1898 )

Elizabeth Golden

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Letter: Two pages, both sides

Paper” Lined paper 5-3/4” wide by 9” high

No envelope




Grand Rapids, Mich.

July 27 - 98


My dear Husband:-


Yours of the 26th received all O.k.  Many thanks for same.  Glad you and Myrtle were getting along so nicely.  Hope you won’t have thrashers this week.


Was Sadie up to see you yet?  I imagine she is calling this morning.  Mary is quite lonely without Irene.  She was glad to hear she was all right.  We went down town yesterday morning and blowed ourselves.  I got me a dress and it is nearly complete.


Mary is writing home now.  Have you been lonesome yet?  Suppose not, you are so busy.  Of course I never get lonesome.  I think if I can get some more sewing done, I will stay a couple of more days providing every thing is all right at home.  I didn’t feel very well yesterday but am better today.  Mary wants me to stay next week and we will get it all done.  She says she will leave Irene down home another week if I stay; but I never could do that.  Although I am having an awful good visit with her.  If I stay till Friday night, I think I will be doing well.


Will let you know for sure when I am coming.  Will send a postal for I can’t just tell now.  I want to send this out this A.M. so you will get it tonight.  Look out for a card before Friday night.


Will bid you good bye for just a few more days.


Your loving wife,

Elizabeth G.F.P.


Good Bye


(put this letter out of sight.)





“Sadie”:  Sadie Golden was Lizzie’s sister


“Mary”:  Mary Golden is Lizzie’s sister


“Irene”:  Irene Culligan is Mary Golden’s sister





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