By: Jim Fitzpatrick

Local Farmer in Polkton Township writes for the Coopersville Observer.

Along Brandy Creek

By Jim Fitzpatrick


The Coopersville Observer  March 7, 2016 - - No. 138


The drifted snow, like moguls on the slopes of a downhill ski run, cover the garden area outside of the yard between the driveway and the horse's shed and pasture.  The three of them are pulled into their shelter with only their faces showing as the 18 degree northwesterly snow-flurried air chills in its passing.  The night is dark under cover of the  storm that has been building since late afternoon, even though the calendar on the wall back in the house indicates a moon overhead that is nearly full. The horizon less night stretches endlessly beyond the small radius of swirling, blurring grayness, surrounding the girl moving through the knee-deep snow toward the horses longing to be fed.  The surface of the water in their trough will be frozen and in need of being broken up for them to drink.  The largest of the three sometimes uses his front hoofs to access the water under its hardened surface.  The girl will give them grain as a treat, hay to last them through the darkness.  She will stroke their individual faces as she greets and tell them goodnight.  Soon Anne will be in her bed, the storm left behind, as she sleeps through the night; before going off to school in the darkness of the coming wintry morning.

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