By: Jim Fitzpatrick

Local Farmer in Polkton Township writes for the Coopersville Observer.

Along Brandy Creek

By Jim Fitzpatrick


The Coopersville Observer  April 6, 2015 - - No. 134


There is a cheese maker that lives on a gravel road south of town, out there in the country on 60th Avenue.  He and his extended family live on and work the land that his father, grandfather, great grandfather all made a living on well back into the eighteen hundreds.  Luke and his two brothers and all of their wives and children have a hand in arriving at the main final product, organic cheeses.  Other products produced and available at the shoppe there on the farm are beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and chicken eggs.  As indicated by the logo over the door, "Grassfields Cheese", their dairy animals subsist entirely on organic grasses.  Unlimited acres of green pasture lands sprawl over the landscape for their cows and other animals to graze on throughout most of the year.  Harvested and preserved grasses are stored and fed to the animals during the cold winter months.


Family, farm and community are an obvious emphasis imbedded in the lifestyle of this family farming operation.  Luke the cheese maker's interest in state and local politics stretch his already busy days into exhausting ones at times.  His calm, deliberate and reflective nature make it all work for him and his family.  The word "Farmer", after Luke's name on his business card, is an exceptionally reassuring statement.

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