By: Jim Fitzpatrick

Local Farmer in Polkton Township writes for the Coopersville Observer.

Along Brandy Creek

By Jim Fitzpatrick


The Coopersville Observer – February 24, 2003

A few snow flakes angle down and through the beam of light that glares through the window pane from the flashlight held against the glass.  Face pressed forward, he squints to see the 20 degree thermometer hanging on the maple tree just outside the kitchen window.  The coffee pot rattling on the stove, he pulls the collar of his heavy woolen shirt up around his neck a little tighter.  The fire in the furnace below crackles as the remaining coals from last nights fire kindle the heavy blocks of oak now stuffed into the fire box.  The young dog stirs in her bed at the back entryway in anticipation of getting on with the day.  A muffled crow from the single rooster in the hen house, a hint of red on the eastern horizon, a pair of cottontail rabbits bounding about near the bird feeder in the now semi-darkness; all push the night aside as the day moves forward.  Gather the eggs, feed the animals, the family at the breakfast table, kids off to school; it will be another fine day, can’t help but be so with a beginning like this morning!

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