By: Jim Fitzpatrick

Local Farmer in Polkton Township writes for the Coopersville Observer.

Along Brandy Creek

By Jim Fitzpatrick


The Coopersville Observer  August 23, 2004- - No. 35

The swimming hole underneath the new concrete bridge is still a good place to cool off on a hot summer day. After a day in the fields, especially during haying or wheat harvest time, nothing feels better than a dip in the cool flowing waters of Crockery Creek.


Before the new bridge went in a few years back, an ancient steel and wood structure served well for most of a hundred years or so. The hardwood planks rattled and rumbled whenever a vehicle passed over the stream. That sound was ever so familiar to any of the kids that swam there back then. Those that still swim there can hear it yet if they hesitate a minute an think on it some.


That famous arched span was always referred to as either the "Rumbly Bridge" or the "Rattly Bridge". Either term was as good as the other when speaking of the place. Everyone for quite a few miles around knew where that "good place to go swimm'n" was, even if they didn't go swimming at all. It was that familiar sound as you passed over the "Crick", or listened to as you swam in the waters below, that was so pleasing to be a part of. Summer time adventure was at it's best down there at the "Rumbly Bridge".


That new crossover at the swimming hole is OK, it works all right, that's for sure. But - there is something missing that you just can't put your finger on until you think about it for a minute. You listen real hard. You know you can still feel the sound in your head. And You remember!

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