Mary Nixon     ( September 8, 1894 )

Mary Nixon

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Letter: One page, both sides

Paper: Lined paper, 9-7/8” wide by 8” high

No Envelope



Coopersville, Mich

Sept 8 – 1894


Miss Lizzie Golden,


My dear girl,


Will endeavor to write you a few lines.  Would much rather see you but as I can’t at present, will take up with the next best.


I hear you have been badly afflicted since I last saw you.  I was so sorry to hear that you have been having a felon for that must be dreadful.  How you must have suffered.  When I heard of it, felt just like going to see you.  But as they were using all of the horses at the time, could not very well.  I do hope you are better by this time.


Lizzie, I’ve so much to say, don’t really know how to commence.  If you were only with me.  What a good visit we would have.  Well as usual, will open my subject by speaking first of the weather.  Had a fine rain last night which you are aware was greatly needed.  The storm reminded me of the night before you and I bade our friends adieu for Holland – which was I believe 10 wks yesterday.  My, hardly seems so long a time and 5 wks today we arrived home.  Have been lonely a good many times since but lately have been so busy have not had much time to think of the past.


You have probably heard from the girls and likewise Mr. Burrt. I rec’d a letter from Nellie S. and she said she had heard from him.  So I’m sure you have.  When you write do not fail to tell me what he has to say.  For – poor me – suppose he has scarcely a recollection of me by this time.  Especially if he went to the Normal he talked so much about.  Have you seen Maude since she returned from the Institute?  I have not but heard she called and had tea at our old post.  Said Mr. Jones was there visiting and Mr. Van de Evve was going to New York to make a visit soon.  She did not think much of the Institute.  Only a few of the Normals there.  Glad we did not go for I don’t think we would have enjoyed it very well.


Maude has met with quite a disappointment regarding her school.  You know she had it engaged and even the contract made out and signed by director.  Well the dist has not been very well pleased with his doings for the last two yrs.  And resolved to put him out this fall.  And elect a new man.


At school meeting they did – and also made a motion to hire a man for teacher this winter.  Said motion being carried leaves M. with but that school.  I feel sorry for her and hope she may be fortunate in obtaining a school.  The director had no right to promise it to her till after S-m’g for he did not know weather the dist would vote for a man or lady. (don’t say I told you)


Lizzie, did you get your old school?  I hope you did.  Heard since S-mt’g that I have the Marshall.  Was afraid I w’d not get it for there were a number of applicants and I was the last one.  They have a full term of two mos. But as the school is not out yet, it will not begin till the 1st of October or I think that will be 3 wks from Monday.  I’m so anxious to get back to school, don’t know what I w’d do if I had to stay at home this winter.


Jimni L. has the advent and Ella, I believe, the Patehen.  Probably you have heard all this.  Mae was to hear after the school - M’g if she had one and guess she expected to be over the river.  For you know she did not get the Eastmanville.  I.L. was to get that.  N.S. and Julia B. did not get their second grade wasn’t it?  Lizzie has us study up this winter on Algebra and Philosophy and see if we can’t by the next ex’n.  Xxx on xxx.  Hope their rule will hold good so won’t have to write only on the two.  Hope to see you at the fair.  Most here isn’t it?  Have much more I would like to say but as it is getting late, will close hoping I may hear from you in a few days.


I remain your loving



Please mention box 92 on envelope for our mail is liable to get in wrong box.


Wish you could come and see me.  Don’t see why you cant.  When you write tell me all about yourself and all other news you can.


                                                                                           M. N.


Suppose you have your horseshoe nicely decorated.  Think the girls said he (I. V.) asked Maude about it.




“S-m’g”:  School Meeting


“Ella”:  Ella Cooney was Lizzie’s friend


“Mary”: Mary Nixon





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