Mary Nixon     ( August 3, 1884 )

Mary Nixon

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This looks like a piece of card stock 3-3/4” wide by 4-1/2“ high.  The corners are cut off at a 45 degree angle.


There is writing on both sides.


No Envelope



Aug 3th 1884


Dear Lizzie.


I will now take my pen in hand to answer your kind and welcome letter wich I received some time ago but neglected to answer it before.  I suppose your school is almost out isn’t it.  We have about 4 weaks more but our teacher Mother is sick & so she went home Friday night she said she would be back Monday if her mother was all out of danger.  If she wasn’t she didn’t know when she would come back.  Pa started for Nebraska July 14th and came back a weak from last Friday  he likes it awful well out there  he bought 160 acres of land.  Did Eva McXxx tell you we had an organ the name of it is the Chicago Cottage.  Nora is taking lessons and I am a going to when school is out.  The music teacher name is Mrs Davenport.  I will have to close for this time  so good by  Write Soon  From Mary




“From Mary”: There are letters from Mary Nixon that are also signed “From Mary”





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